
Unit-5 Software Project Management

1) Nature of Software and Software Development:
The nature of the software medium has many consequences for systems engineering (SE) of software-intensive systems. Fred Brooks has famously observed that four properties of software, taken together, differentiate it from other kinds of engineering artifacts (Brooks 1995). These four properties are
1.  complexity,
2.  conformity,
3.  changeability
4.  invisibility.
5.  complexity

1)   complexity: The complexity of software arises from the large number of unique interacting parts in a software system.
2)  Conformity: Software, unlike a physical product, has no underlying natural principles which it must conform to, such as Newton’s laws of motion.
3)  Changeability: Software coordinates the operation of physical components and provides most of the functionality in software-intensive systems.
4)  Invisibility: Software is said to be invisible because it has no physical properties. While the effects of executing software on a digital computer are observable, software itself cannot be seen, tasted, smelled, touched, or heard.
5)  Uniqueness: One other point about the nature of software that Brooks alludes to, but does not explicitly call out is the uniqueness of software. Software and software projects are unique for the following reasons:

v Software has no physical properties;
v Software is the product of intellect-intensive teamwork;
v Productivity of software developers varies more widely than the productivity of other engineering disciplines;
v Estimation and planning for software projects is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, which can be at best partially mitigated by best practices;
v Risk management for software projects is predominantly process-oriented;
v Software alone is useless, as it is always a part of a larger system; and
v Software is the most frequently changed element of software intensive systems.

2) software development

Software development is the collective processes involved in creating software programs, embodying all the stages throughout the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
SDLC methodologies support the design of software to meet a business need, the development of software to meet the specified design and the deployment of software to production.  A methodology should also support maintenance, although that option may or may not be chosen, depending on the project in question.
The waterfall model, the original SDLC method, is linear and sequential, generally following these stages in order:
         1) Identification of required software
         2) Analysis of the software requirements
         3) Detailed specification of the software requirements
         4) Software design
         5) Programming
         6) Testing
         7) Maintenance

3) software quality

         Software quality management (SQM) is a management process that aims to develop and manage the quality of software in such a way so as the best ensure the product meets the quality standards expected by the customer while also meeting any necessary regulatory and developer requirements, if any Software quality managers require software to be tested before it is released to the market, and they do this using a cyclical process-based quality assessment in order to reveal and fix bugs before release. Their job is not only to ensure their software is in good shape for the consumer but also to encourage a culture of quality throughout the enterprise.
a) Quality assurance
         ·         encouraging documentation process standards, such as the            creation of well-defined engineering documents using                  standard templates
        ·         mentoring how to conduct standard processes, such as                 quality  reviews
         ·         performing in-process test data recording procedures
         ·         identifying standards, if any, that should be used in software       development processes

b) Quality planning

Quality planning works at a more granular, project-based level, defining the quality attributes to be associated with the output of the project and how those attributes should be assessed. Additionally, any existing organizational standards may also be assigned to the project at this phase. 
c) Quality control
          ·         release testing of software, including proper documentation          of the testing process
          ·         examination of software and associated documentation for          non-conformance with standards
          ·         follow-up review of software to ensure any required changes        detailed in previous testing are addressed
          ·         application of software measurement and metrics for                    assessment

4) Software Quality Assurance

SOFTWARE QUALITY ASSURANCE (SQA) is a set of activities for ensuring quality in software engineering processes that ultimately results, or at least gives confidence, in the quality of software products.


  • quality assurance: Part of quality management focused on providing confidence that quality requirements will be fulfilled.

SQA Activities

SQA includes the following activities:
  • Process definition 
  • Process training
  • Process implementation
  • Process audit

SQA Processes

SQA includes the following processes:
  • Project Management
  • Project Estimation
  • Configuration Management
  • Requirements Management
  • Software Design
  • Software Development 
  • Software Testing 
  • Software Deployment
  • Software Maintenance

Software Quality Assurance encompasses the entire software development life cycle and the goal is to ensure that the development and maintenance processes are continuously improved to produce products that meet specifications. Note that the scope of Quality is NOT limited to just Software Testing. For example, how well the requirements are stated and managed matters a lot!

Once the processes have been defined and implemented, Quality Assurance has responsibility of identifying weaknesses in the processes and correcting those weaknesses to continually improve the processes.

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and ISO 9000 are some quality management systems that are widely used.

The process of Software Quality Control (SQC) is also governed by Software Quality Assurance (SQA). Read Differences between Software Quality Assurance and Software Quality Control.

5) risk reduction
1.   Identify the risks early on in your project.
·         Review the lists of possible risk sources as well as the project team’s experiences and knowledge.
·         Brainstorm all potential risks.
·         Brainstorm all missed opportunities if project is not completed.
·         Make clear who is responsible for what risk.
2.   Communicate about risks
·         Pay attention to risk communication and solicit input at team meetings to ensure that your team perceives that risk management is important for the project.
·         Focus your communication efforts with the project sponsor or principal on the big risks and make sure you don’t surprise the boss or the customer.
·         Make sure that the sponsor makes decisions on the top risks, because some of them usually exceed the mandate of the project manager.
3.   Consider opportunities as well as threats when assessing risks.
·         While risks often have a negative connotation of being harmful to projects, there are also “opportunities” or positive risks that may be highly beneficial to your project and organization. Make sure you create time to deal with the opportunities in your project. Chances are that your team will identify a couple of opportunities with a high pay-off that may not require a big investment in time or resources. These will make your project faster, better and more profitable.
4.   Prioritize the risks
·         Some risks have a higher impact and probability than others. Therefore, spend time on the risks that cause the biggest losses and gains. To do so, create or use an evaluation instrument to categorize and prioritize risks.
·         The number of risks you identify usually exceeds the time capacity of the project team to analyze and develop contingencies. Therefore, the process of prioritization helps the project team to manage those risks that have both a high impact and a high probability of occurrence.
5.   Fully understand the reason and impact of the risks.
·         Traditional problem solving often moves from problem identification to problem solution. However, before trying to determine how best to manage risks, the project team must identify the root causes of the identified risks.
·         Risk occurs at different levels. If you want to understand a risk at an individual level, think about the effect that it has and the causes that can make it happen. The project team will want to ask questions including:
·         What would cause each risk?
·         How will each risk impact the project? (i.e., costs? lead time? product quality? total project?)
·         The information you gather in a risk analysis will provide valuable insights in your project and the necessary input to find effective responses to optimize the risks.
6.   Develop responses to the risks.
·         Completing a risk response plan adds value to your project because you prevent a threat occurring or minimize the negative effects. To complete an assessment of each risk you will need to identify:
·         What can be done to reduce the likelihood of each risk?
·         What can be done to manage each risk, should it occur?
·         What can be done to ensure opportunities are not missed?
7.   Develop the preventative measure tasks for each risk.
·         It’s time to think about how to prevent a risk from occurring or reducing the likelihood for it to occur. To do this, convert into tasks, those ideas that you had identified that would help to reduce or eliminate risk likelihood.
8.   Develop the contingency plan for each risk.
·         Should a risk occur, it’s important to have a contingency plan ready. Therefore, should the risk occur, you can quickly put these plans into action, thereby reducing the need to manage the risk by crisis.
9.   Record and register project risks.
·         Maintaining a risk log enables you to view progress and make sure that you won’t forget a risk or two. It’s also a communication tool to inform both your team members, as well as stakeholders, about what is going on.
·         If you record project risks and the effective responses you have implemented, you will be creating a track record that no one can deny, even if a risk happens that derails the project.
10.      Track risks and their associated tasks.
·         Tracking tasks is a day-to-day job for each project manager. Integrating risk tasks into that daily routine is the easiest solution. You may carry out risk tasks to identify or analyze risks or to generate, select and implement responses. The daily effort of integrating risk tasks keeps your project focused on the current situation of risks and helps you stay on top of their relative importance.

6) Role of project manager in software development

            A project manager is a person who has the overall responsibility for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution, monitoring, controlling and closure of a project. Construction, petrochemical, architecture, information technology and many different industries that produce products and services use this job title.
The project manager must have a combination of skills including an ability to ask penetrating questions, detect unstated assumptions and resolve conflicts, as well as more general management skills.
A project manager is a person who is responsible for making decisions, both large and small. The project manager should make sure they control risk and minimise uncertainty. Every decision the project manager makes must directly benefit their project.
Project managers use project management software, such as Microsoft Project, to organise their tasks and workforce. These software packages allow project managers to produce reports and charts in a few minutes, compared with the several hours it can take if they do it by hand.
The role of the project manager encompasses many activities including:
  • Planning and Defining Scope
  • Activity Planning and Sequencing
  • Resource Planning
  • Developing Schedules
  • Time Estimating
  • Cost Estimating
  • Developing a Budget
  • Documentation
  • Creating Charts and Schedules
  • Risk Analysis
  • Managing Risks and Issues
  • Monitoring and Reporting Progress
  • Team Leadership
  • Strategic Influencing
  • Business Partnering
  • Working with Vendors
  • Scalability, Interoperability and Portability Analysis
  • Controlling Quality
  • Benefits Realisation